… to make integration successful
We Provide a Home and Community
We Create New Perspectives
We Provide Opportunities for the Future
Saatkorn Projekt –
A Community Assisting,
Connecting and Transforming
Young Migrants
A new home
Many young refugee men arrive in Europe totally alone after fleeing war and persecution in their home countries. Most have left their families, their dreams and hopes behind, seeking security and a brighter future in Europe.
Saatkorn Projekt provides assistance and a safe place for young refugee men, 18 and older to live. Through the help of our qualified social education workers and volunteers, stability and community is instilled into their lives thus helping them adjust to their new life in Germany.
A new perspective
Once the young men have a consistent environment of security, it is imperative for them to come to understand the German culture and our Christian values. Learning the German language is essential. Language courses and integration classes help the young men develop new perspectives for their future and to find their place in German society.
We also offer a wide variety of encounters to with other young Germans, and youth from their home countries as well.
A new opportunity
A solid education is invaluable in achieving independence in one’s life.
We place a great emphasis on helping the young men acquire to this high level of education by assisting them in arranging job applications and supporting them in apprenticeships.